NEW 2016 PRIMARY Printables + Freebies & a Coupon!

Oh my goodness... a labor of love is finally complete!!  PLEASE, PLEASE take a moment an PIN this post before devouring it... ♥

I'm super excited to introduce THE BIGGEST Collection of Primary Printables I've ever done!  It was such a fun set to design and I've been anxiously DYING to finally post it!!  Let me run you through what I have... and direct you to what's in my shop and which ones are freebies!  

PS... USE the coupon PRIMARY30 to save 30% ! 

Printables like these make great birthday gifts, fun ways to introduce the theme, favors throughout the year or a sweet sentiment to drop by a less active child.  These three are in my shop:

Bottle Caps, of course, are a huge favorite of mine!  They are EASY to make, the kids love them and they are SUPER CHEAP!!  I recommend buying your supplies at Fizzy Pops (use CANVAS10 to save 10%).  They are a wholesale craft shop and in my opinion, no one beats their prices or quality.

Making the Square Art into a tile is super easy... (I posted a step-by-step tutorial HERE) - but here's a little preview to give you a quick idea about how easy these are.  They cost less than $0.50 to make and would make inexpensive New Year gifts to introduce the theme - or as birthday gifts throughout the year!

Next up is my NEW FAVORITE Printable!!  It's a regular sized Chocolate Bar Wrapper, decorated with wording from the theme... then it comes with SIX 2" round tags!  Simply wrap your bar, then pick and punch which tag you want to use and adhere it to the wrapper with a double-stick foam square.  This "lifts" it off the wrapper, giving it dimension and setting it apart from just any wrapper!  I tried to think of several instances where you'd need a gift throughout the year and I think I covered them all!

"Happy Birthday!" - for teachers and kids
"Thanks for Helping Today!" - to thank last minute subs
"We  Sure Missed You!" - for kids you don't see often
"We Love Serving with You!" - great teacher appreciation treat
"You Did Great!" - for after the Primary Program
Theme Tag - for introducing or reinforcing the theme

This printable is in my shop as well... {HERE}

Also... after getting so many requests over the years - I decided to also include a set of Monthly Sharing Time Posters too!  This one is in my shop {HERE}.

Most of you are familiar with my LDS Planner Series in my shop... here are the Primary Ones!  They are packed full of planning pages, calendars, to do lists, notes, etc.  Pretty much the ideal spot to manage all things Primary!

Now... let's get to the freebies!!!

These 5 printables (shown above) are all FREEBIES!!  And - they coordinate with all of my other printables in the collection!  (A quick word about the color... the graphic is a deep/bright teal, but as you can see from my photos in this post, my printer printed them closer to a bright blue shade - everyone's printer will vary a bit... just wanted to point that out).  

The freebies include: Lesson Binder Cover w/Spine, Door Sign (with space for listing kids), Door Sign (without space for listing kids), Presidency Binder Cover w/Spine and a sheet of Sharing Time Assignment Cards!  You can also add text to these using before printing!!  I'll be posting a step-by-step tutorial on how to use PDF Escape on Friday.  But... if you are even remotely computer literate - it's easy enough to figure out in about 5 minutes. :)

(At the top of the page, click on "Fan Freebies" to enter the freebie library.)

Use COLETTE to save 20% on any purchase, or use CANVAS30 for 30% off $10+

Happy Printing (and please PIN)!! :)

Don't miss new printables, freebies and discounts!

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